Pete's Tools
Page history
last edited
by Peter Bromberg 16 years, 4 months ago
Pete's Cool Tools, annotated
Contact Pete at peterbromberg@gmail.com
Google Calendar: My personal reminder service!
- Requires (free) Google Account (which also gets you into Google Docs, Gmail, Picasa, etc.)
- Offers email and text message reminders
- Customized privacy levels. You decide with whom to share your calendar, or specific events.
Doodle: Scheduling and Polling made easy!
- Ever have trouble picking the best date for an event because everyone's schedule is so busy? Ever try to get a big group to decide what movie to see, where to eat or where to go on vacation? Then you've got to Doodle!!
- Schedule events quickly, knowing you have THE BEST possible date
- Quickly poll a large group of people and accurately determine the group choice!
- No registration required
YouSendit / Senduit: Send huge files without freezing up their email, or taking down your network!
- Have you ever tried to send a huge file (picture, video, powerpoint) only to find out it froze your email or network---or had the same effect on the intended recepient? No More!!
- No registration required
- Send up to 100 mb for free
- YouSendIt will hold the file for 30 days and send an email to the recepient
- Senduit lets you determine how long the file stays live (up to 30 days). Provides you with download link.
SimplyHeadlines: Get customized news, blog posts, weather, photos -- anything with an RSS feed-- delivered as a customized newspaper to your email!!
- Registration/email required
- Customize the look, feel and content of your newspaper. Content can be anything with an RSS feed (flickr pictures, youtube videos, news, blog posts, Ebsco searches, etc.)
- Share your customized paper with others.
Portable Apps : Now you can carry your favorite computer programs along with all of your bookmarks, settings, email and more with you. Use them on any Windows computer. All without leaving any personal data behind.
FURL Great web-based bookmark site. "Find, Save, Share!"
- Easily save, tag, categorize and share all your bookmarks
- Use as discovery tool through Furl's recommndations (based on what you've bookmarked) and great, "People who saved this also saved these" feature
- Archives copies of pages, so even if they disappear from the web, you've still got your copy!
- Adds keywords and/or clippings, so you can easily remember why you bookmarked the page.
- Easy and flexible privacy controls. Make all your bookmarks private, public, or shared only with friends. Can also make private by item or category.
- RSS feeds, which can also be limited by topic.
- Link list for web page with customizable layout - You can easily incorporate your latest public saves into your blog or other web page using easy cut-and-paste javascript. You can also easily customize the layout.
- Easy import of current bookmarks.
- Easy export from FURL to Internet Explorer and Firefox.
- Export to MLA, APA, Chicago, CBE, BibTeX, RIS/EndNote citations - You can generate a citation list in any of a number of academic formats, to assist with construction of an academic paper or web site. Aiding in research and education is a very popular and effective use of Furl.
- Export by topic or subset - For any of the export options, you can select a subset of your archive, or you can select a specific topic, and only those items will be exported, in the format of your choice
- Bookmarklet for easy Save!
Meebo : Monitor all of your IM accounts from one page.
Integrates AIM, Yahoo, MSM and Gmail/Jabber
Let's people without an account IM you through "meebo me" widget.
Create your own "room" and have chat meetings. Share pictures and video
Citebite: Easily link directly to a quote in a webpage
- Paste a chunk of text and the URL of the page containing the text and in return get a link that opens directly to your selection and highlights it.
- Bookmarklet and Firefox extensions make it easy!
Remember The Milk: Web-based Task Manager. Taking to-do lists to the next level!
Google Docs: A free suite of web-based applications. Don't have MS Office? No worries! Spreadsheets, Documents, Presentation software is all here for free--and documents can be imported/exported from/to Microsoft programs.
- Full Featured Applications, free on the Web
- Applications include: Spreadsheet, Documents, Presentations,
- Great for collaboration. Choose privacy/sharing levels
- Version control
Pete's Tools
Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above.
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